White Paper: “MST®-SPX 7-48V Power Device Performance Projection”

Published: July 26, 2024

As mobile communications continue to drive demand for increased data consumption, the mobile phone market is expected to grow by 4% year over year in 2024 to 1.2 billion units. 5G-enabled smartphones are expected to grow by 16%, driven by emerging markets and a testament to the insatiable appetite for on-demand data [1]. While 5G is saturated in mature markets, the impending transition to 6G within the next 5 years will drive another cycle of demand for high-speed data consumption. As mobile phones are pushed to their performance limits, there is also increased pressure to improve the power/energy efficiency of these connected devices to extend battery life.

To enable more efficient transistors in power management integrated circuits (PMIC), we previously launched our MST-SP product targeting mobile applications in the 5V regime [2-3]. Following up on this, we are excited to announce our next-generation product, MST®-SPX, targeting 7-48V operation. One potential advantage of MST-SPX in mobile systems is an increased range of power vs performance trade-off to enable additional power savings over MST-SP. Details of the technology can be found in the Atomera white paper “MST®-SPX 7-48V Power Device Performance Projection.” Building upon the dopant engineering of the source from MST-SP, we have further extended our dopant engineering solutions to the drift/drain to realize an improvement in RSP  by 8-20% for 10~50V of BVDSS range.

We are excited to engage with our partners to validate MST®-SPX and deliver improvement in power efficiency and reduction in power consumption.

[1]  IDC

[2] Y. -A. Chen et al., “Source engineering on Oxygen-Inserted Si channel for gate length scaling of low-voltage switch devices”, 2022 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), pp. 197-200, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ISPSD49238.2022.9813686

[3] H. Takeuchi et al., “MST-SP 5V PMIC Power Device”